
Hi and welcome to my blog,

I’m Julian, a warm blooded male Gemini born in the year 1969. Below is an extract from my first post on why I even started blogging.

Anyhow it is nice of you to drop in, so why not give me a quick introduction and remember to let me know when you’re from or just simply say a quick hello….

Anyhow have Fun, Take Care…and God Bless!….

Cheers mates!

“I never thought I would ever start a blog! Afterall I always wondered why would anyone want their personal thoughts, aspirations, dreams, sorrows….essentially one’s rollercoaster ride of a life out there for everyone to see. Does one seek personal glorification? or simply to validate one’s very own existence.

Then as I moved deeper in thought I began to wonder….What if I were to share my life’s experiences? Perhaps others could learn from my mistakes, laugh with me on the lighter sides….. simply partake on my journey vicariously till of course my feeble senses fail.

If you asked me how I feel about my life today? I would say I have led a semi-charmed life. I have lots to be thankful and grateful for.”



You Can Email Me At julesATjuleslifeDOTnet



To access the blog on my Catholic Spiritual Journey click on the picture below….


8 Responses

  1. Ahh.. I wondered where you disappeared to. *ahem* I know someone’s special day is coming up. All the best to you there Julian. (Hopefully) we’ll talk soon.


  2. Thank you for sharing!

  3. Hi webmaster!

  4. Hello….not exactly a webmaster but welcome mate! 😉

  5. it’s from LOTR right? your playlist?

  6. Hi from Texas Julian!

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