Aim For Low…

Haven’t been blogging much as I was recovering from a bout of the flu, then recently I found out that I am a borderline case or rather have a borderline case of hypertension YIKES!  So what am I going to do about it well…….the game plan is as follows:-

  • Lower Salt Intake
  • Get back on the Exercise horse
  • Lose 30kgs by December

Well let’s see how it goes……


7 Responses

  1. All the best to you on your journey towards a healthier you. I’ll give you all the encouragement you need along the way. 🙂

  2. …..

    go easy on the steaks and chops!

    *flips hair playfully*

    or else…i tell your wife 😛

  3. Erm….lose 30kgs by Dec? You sure? 😉 It will take lots of discipline. Hee hee….and no more beer….extra calorie… 🙂


  5. Kris: Awww that’s just soooo sweet of you…..*bear hugs*

    Eileen: You don’t mess with the croccy! Me needs my meats! 😛

    Liz: Liquid calories dissolve fast eh? ha ha *hic* Yup! Lofty goals…hell ya! But I’m gonna try….the magic word being TRY….

    Wither: 😯

  6. hhhhmmmm -_____________________- ””

    why no hugs for me or liz? HUmph!!! dont fren you…

    *primary school kid sulk*

  7. *Bear hugs To All*

    Hey you opted to be a tattletale instead of sweet & encouraging what? 😆

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